Elvis Costello – This Year’s Model
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Elvis has entered the building! On this episode, we delve into one of the most critically acclaimed albums of the 70s: This Year’s Model.
DPA MacManus, also known as Elvis Costello, made some of the most interesting tunes of the late 20th Century. Part of his charm was his ability to write witty, intelligent, and interesting pop songs that straddled the boundaries of Punk, New Wave, and Power Pop.
This Year's Model is Elvis Costello’s 2nd album but his first with his amazing band, the Attractions. Produced by the great Nick Lowe, this 1978 LP finds the 23 year old Costello and company knocking out songs that are energetic, full of hooks, and tuneful as hell.
In 1978, Elvis Costello was the subject of an unaired 20/20 story reported on by Geraldo Rivera. Here is a fantastic clip from that piece that shows Elvis, the Attractions, and members of Rockpile (featuring Nick Lowe and Dave Edmunds) going grocery shopping and interacting with some of the customers and employees.
Listen closely when they get on the bus, the guys are listening to (and singing along with) “I Must Be In Love” by the Ruttles.
Listen to “Radio Soul,” the Bruce Springsteen inspired original version of what became “Radio, Radio” recorded by Elvis Costello’s firts band Flip City.
Our hero Declan McMAnus (né Elvis Costello).
Looking cool in Flip City.
Listen to the original version of “(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding” performed by Brinsley Schwarz’s bassist Nick Lowe, who also wrote the song.
Elvis Costello bears an uncanny resemblance to his father, Ross McManus, who was a very popular performer in his own right. Watch him perform “If I Had a Hammer” with the Joe Loss Orchestra.
Ross McManus also had a Top 20 hit in Australia in 1970 with his version of the Beatles “The Long and Winding Road" that he recorded under the name “Day Costello.“